2 research outputs found

    Designing a Pipeline for Predicting Power Grid Stability with Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

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    Renewable energy sources are becoming more popular, providing a much-needed alternative to traditional, limited, and climate-unfriendly energy sources. Wireless sensors, cloud computing, cyber security, and wide-area monitoring are basic communication and control technologies for smart grid applications. Design of communication and control architectures for the adoption of smart energy grids for rural loads and distributed energy, including energy storage solutions. In this work, a Machine Learning module called scikit-learn is used for pre-processing of labeled input data by using StandardScaler, KFold for cross-validation, and Confusion matrix for measuring performance. Also, the ML technique uses the binary classification method to divide the ‘stabf’ data into two parts as stable and unstable. Here deep learning-based Artificial Neural Network (ANN) has been used to evaluate the result and to predict new grid data to enhance stability. ANN takes 12 input nodes in the input layer and three hidden layers out of which two hidden layer takes 24 nodes and another one takes 12 nodes and an output layer consisting of a single node. Adam optimizer has been used for model compilation and loss function calculation ‘binary_crossentropy’ is used. Finally, after successful completion of the evaluation process, this model gives a test accuracy result of 98.33%

    Internet of Things brings Revolution in eHealth: Achievements and Challenges

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    The medical field has benefited greatly from the technological revolution around our world, as well as the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT aims to make life easier and more convenient by bridging the various gaps in connecting various devices that people employ. A wide range of applications and technologies, including wearable device development, advanced care services, personalized care packages, and remote patient monitoring, benefit healthcare professionals and patients. These technologies gave rise to new terms such as the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), the Internet of Health Things (IoHT), e-Health, and telemedicine. With the advent of technology and the availability of various connected devices, smart healthcare, which has grown in popularity in recent years, has been positively redefined. Through the selection of literature reviews, we systematically investigate how the adoption (and integration) of IoT technologies in healthcare is changing the way traditional services and products are delivered. This paper outlines (i) selected IoT technologies and paradigms related to health care, as well as, (ii) various implementation scenarios for IoT-based models. It also discusses (iii) the various advantages of these applications and finally, (iv) a summary of lessons learned and recommendations for future applications